yここ最近、常盤町近辺のお昼に活用してましたが、先日行くとお店潰れてました。 (Translated by Google) I've been using this place recently for lunch around Tokiwacho, but when I went back the other day...ここ最近、常盤町近辺のお昼に活用してましたが、先日行くとお店潰れてました。
(Translated by Google)
I've been using this place recently for lunch around Tokiwacho, but when I went back the other day it had closed down. -
しきなないこい海鮮丼好きだから藤塚にある頃からたまに行ってたけど 美味しく満足して食べれた経験があまりない…ウーバーで届くのは嬉しいけどね 昔林にあった丼丸とか鶴市のほうにあった丼丸と比べるとレベルが1段階落ちる印...海鮮丼好きだから藤塚にある頃からたまに行ってたけど
(Translated by Google)
I love seafood bowls, so I've been going there occasionally since it was in Fujitsuka.
I haven't had many experiences where I was able to eat delicious and satisfying food...though I'm happy to have it delivered by Uber.
Compared to the Donmaru that used to be in Hayashi or the Donmaru that was in Tsuru City, the level seems to be one level lower. -
y n初来店で、バラネギトロ丼を注文しました。 まず、非常に言いにくいのですが店主の方の口臭がキツく、レジにて注文する時点で「あぁ、、」と感じました。 1階での注文後、2階で商品を待ちました。 提供時間は比...初来店で、バラネギトロ丼を注文しました。
(Translated by Google)
On my first visit, I ordered the Baranegi Toro Don.
First of all, it's hard to say, but the owner of the restaurant had really bad breath, and when I ordered at the cash register, I felt like, ``Ah...''.
After ordering on the first floor, I waited for my product on the second floor.
I feel like the delivery time was relatively quick.
And, as for my impressions after eating the product,
``Is it a bowl with very little seafood such as tuna or salmon, and the main ingredients are eggs and cucumbers?''
The taste was similar to seafood bowls sold at supermarkets, and I'm not trying to say that supermarket products are bad, but my first impression was that it was different from what I expected because it was a restaurant specializing in seafood bowls.
Personally, I don't think there will be a second time.
*Flies were flying all the time, and no matter how hard I tried to shake them off, they continued to fly into the product bowl and the chopsticks I was using, so I stopped eating halfway through the meal and went home, feeling apologetic. -
Chat' Noirまず注文した商品が見本の写真と違いすぎ。 一応見本と違う場合がありますという一言は添えられているが、スーパーで買った海鮮丼をそのまま盛り付けたんかと言いたくなるレベル。 ワサビも盛り忘れられており 謎...まず注文した商品が見本の写真と違いすぎ。
(Translated by Google)
First of all, the product I ordered was too different from the sample photo.
Although there is a warning that it may differ from the sample, it makes me want to say that the seafood bowl I bought at the supermarket was served as is.
The wasabi was also forgotten.
Mysteriously, only Baren was on board.
I can't help but think that the products are absolutely delicious.
I thought I'd eat one bite and leave it behind.
I'm concerned about the insects flying around in the store.
I was wondering if it was hygienic.
Honestly, it wasn't much of a meal.
The staff's response is a little strange, and I don't feel like they're nice people.
I can hear it, but my voice is muffled. What's going on?
I don't really understand what you're saying.
I will never visit again. -
Tomo TomoI ordered the Bara Don, but it consisted of only a few small pieces of tuna and salmon scraps, mostly containing egg and cucumber. There were also small flies flying around, making it difficult to ...I ordered the Bara Don, but it consisted of only a few small pieces of tuna and salmon scraps, mostly containing egg and cucumber. There were also small flies flying around, making it difficult to eat.
HiToShi NisiKuN最高の食事を提供して頂き、サービス^_^まで 最高のおもてなし👍 また、行きたいと思わせるお店だなぁと 実感致しました🙌🙌 (Translated by Google) Thank you for providing the best food and service ^_^ The b...最高の食事を提供して頂き、サービス^_^まで
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for providing the best food and service ^_^
The best hospitality👍
It's a store that makes me want to go again.
I realized it🙌🙌 -
uyo t2階で食べれます。 気軽に海鮮丼がいただけますよ。 写真はイカとしらすとえんがわの丼でご飯大盛で600円 (Translated by Google) You can eat on the second floor. You can easily enjoy seafood bowl. The ph...2階で食べれます。
(Translated by Google)
You can eat on the second floor.
You can easily enjoy seafood bowl.
The photo shows a rice bowl with squid, whitebait, and engawa for 600 yen. -
(Translated by Google)
I used the restaurant for food and drinks before 2pm on Sunday, but it was empty. The delivery time after ordering is a little long. The self-service water was at room temperature. The amount of rice bowl is small and the taste is average. I think it's expensive at 890 yen. I thought the 680 yen menu would be a good deal since soup is included when eating in the restaurant. -
半蔵犬お昼のランチ。 なんとワンコインでした。 なかなかボリュームがある丼でした。味噌汁付きでこのお値段は破格だと思います! (Translated by Google) Lunch at noon. It was only one coin. It was a very filli...お昼のランチ。
(Translated by Google)
Lunch at noon.
It was only one coin.
It was a very filling bowl. I think this price is exceptional as it comes with miso soup! -
秋山高子ここの どんぶり🍜 美味しかったです😆🎵🎵 (Translated by Google) The bowl here🍜 was delicious😆🎵🎵ここの どんぶり🍜 美味しかったです😆🎵🎵
(Translated by Google)
The bowl here🍜 was delicious😆🎵🎵 -
cree cree
xl z
廖志通海鮮丼飯很鹹,牛肉丼飯太軟爛 (Translated by Google) The seafood rice bowl is very salty and the beef rice bowl is too soft.海鮮丼飯很鹹,牛肉丼飯太軟爛 (Translated by Google) The seafood rice bowl is very salty and the beef rice bowl is too soft.
Onigiri丼の種類が多くて迷う! ネギトロ丼にワカメのお吸い物がついて690円。ボリュームもあるしコスパ良き。 注文からちょっと時間がかかるので、焦って食べました。もっとゆっくり味わいたかったなぁ😢 (Translated by...丼の種類が多くて迷う!
(Translated by Google)
There are so many types of rice bowls that I get confused!
Negitoro bowl with seaweed soup for 690 yen. It's voluminous and cost-effective.
It took a while to order, so I ate it in a hurry. I wish I could have tasted it more slowly 😢 -
aki Bとても美味しくお手頃な丼が食べられます。種類も多くて選ぶときから楽しめます。 (Translated by Google) You can eat very delicious and affordable rice bowls. There are many types, so you can enjoy it ...とても美味しくお手頃な丼が食べられます。種類も多くて選ぶときから楽しめます。
(Translated by Google)
You can eat very delicious and affordable rice bowls. There are many types, so you can enjoy it from the moment you choose. -
S A全国FCチェーンの丼丸系列かと思います。 東京や神奈川でお世話になってました。 この店が開店されてから3-4回行ってますが、 まず初めに 他の丼丸チェーンはもっと美味しいんだけどなぁ。というのが正直な感想で...全国FCチェーンの丼丸系列かと思います。
(Translated by Google)
I think it's from the Donmaru chain of national FC chains.
Thank you for your help in Tokyo and Kanagawa.
I've been to this store 3-4 times since it opened.
First of all
Other Donmaru chains are even more delicious. That's my honest opinion.
I don't think there's anything to complain about, whether it's cheap or not.
I want to eat seafood bowl! If it feels like that, wouldn't it be reasonable?
just. From a personal perspective, I will compare it with other Donmaru series, and I will write about things that I think you should be a little careful about if you are going to eat in.
First of all, the rice is too hard. I think it's too much.
Also, I think you should consider how much to make. I went to eat it at 7 o'clock, but I felt it had deteriorated and didn't think it was delicious.
The ingredients are thin and few.
Isn't the salmon sliced too thin? I think.
I ordered a special size, but there weren't many toppings (it doesn't seem like the increase is worth the extra 350 yen.If you want to make it look better, you should avoid using such a large bowl, or improve the way you serve it. but,,)
With tuna salmon bowl
3 regular servings of salmon (store photo) →
Even if it's a special portion, it's 4 pieces
I think there were about two more pieces of tuna, but considering that it costs 350 yen for a total of three pieces, it feels a bit expensive. Well, the overall cost performance is high, but for people who want a special meal, it's a shame.
Tableware for the store
Why not stop using 100 yen store-style plates, serving plates, and bowls?
First of all, I would like you to buy at least a soy sauce plate.
It's hard to eat. Large does not serve as small. I don't want to waste too much soy sauce.
Also, if you use a cheap one, it may not be able to withstand long-term use and will show scratches and dirt, so it is better to replace it after a certain period of time.
I am guided to the second floor every time.
On the first floor, there are two types of soy sauce, gari and pickles.
For some reason, the second floor only has soy sauce and no gari or pickles.
I don't really understand it, but I think that's why they're asking me to clean up in mysterious ways, like putting the tray on top and the plates on the bottom.
(When I tried to pick up a flat plate with soy sauce on it, I ended up getting soy sauce on my hands...)
Overall, I don't think they are trying to improve from an objective perspective, so I thought it would be a good idea to try to improve it a little more. -
to take
Jan Ash😭😭
상구방구590엔부터 시작한다! 가성비 최고! (Translated by Google) Starting from 590 yen! Best value for money!590엔부터 시작한다!
가성비 최고! (Translated by Google) Starting from 590 yen!
Best value for money!
Dai Yoshimura
しーまん安くてうまい。人気の海鮮丼チェーン店がとうとう常磐町商店街に! イートインもできるのでお弁当利用じゃなくても使えます。 硬めに炊かれた酢飯は海鮮との相性がよく、このクオリティが700円前後で食べられる...安くてうまい。人気の海鮮丼チェーン店がとうとう常磐町商店街に!
(Translated by Google)
Cheap and delicious. The popular seafood bowl chain store is finally located in the Tokiwacho shopping district!
You can also eat in, so you can use it even if you are not using it for a lunch box.
The hard-cooked vinegared rice pairs well with seafood, and it's great to be able to enjoy this quality for around 700 yen.
I will continue to visit.